Adil Coury E.

Adil Coury E.

External Advisor

Industrial Engineer from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, and Risk Management, at Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Positions and Recognitions

He has been Executive Vice President - Director of Banesco Seguros, C.A. Venezuela, Director of Banesco Seguros S.A., Panama, Banesco Seguros S.A. Dominican Republic, Multiseguros Mehr S.A. Dominican Republic, Todoticket 2004, C.A. Venezuela, Banesco Insurance Broker, Miami, FL, USA, and General Manager of Isapre Aliasalud, S.A. (1995 - 1998). He has been Director of the Chamber of Insurers of Venezuela,Chairman of the Alternative Channels Committee, Chamber of Insurers of Venezuela, Director of the Association of Private Health Institutions.


  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Industrial Engineer.
  • Georgia State University, Risk Management.


  • Spanish.
  • English.