IR GLOBAL: Exploring a Hybrid Future: Adapting business models to succeed in the new normal

IR GLOBAL: “Exploring a Hybrid Future: Adapting business models to succeed in the new normal”

On April 12, 2022, IR Global (, the world’s largest professional services network, and the Association of Corporate Counsel (, debuted their latest publication titled “Exploring a Hybrid Future: Adapting business models to succeed in the new normal”, which gathers the best tips on how companies can adapt to the new normal of hybrid work from the organization’s members.

As exclusive IR Global members for Corporate and Labor Law in Venezuela, our firm participated through our partner, Ignacio T. Andrade Monagas, whose contribution features tips on how businesses can maintain successful communication with a hybrid workforce, the risks companies face if they fail to adapt to the use of new technologies, and how they can maximize their success and generate commercial advantages in our hybrid future.

You can read the publication at the following links:

You can read Ignacio T. Andrade Monaga’s comments at the following link: